December 30, 2012

  • Well Again

    So as you know for the past week I have had a cold. For most of this week I have had a small cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, was sensitive to cold and other sensations and had a pounding headache.

    For the past few days since my last entry I have just been taking it easy. I've been keeping my cold quiet, I don't think anyone in my family suspected I had one. I have been keeping mostly to myself all week. I didn't want anyone to know because I didn't want them to worry about getting it. I'm pretty good about not getting other people sick, so I just felt like no one needed to know.

    I've been sitting and lying on the couch all week since my last entry just playing with my iphone 5 and watching TV. It's been a very relaxing few days and my cold is pretty much gone now. All that is left now is a tiny cough, but that is about it and I can control it most of the time.

    I've occupied my time with history channel and iphone apps. I think one of my favorite iphone apps I've been playing on my iphone 5 is called Asphalt 7, it's a racing game.

    I'm really looking forward to a new year. I feel like this new year will be one of the best ones yet. I'm also looking forward to being in school for another semester.

    I'm glad to finally almost be rid of my cold, it's going to make my New Year's Eve and New Years a lot more enjoyable. I would have hated to still be sick.

    Anyway, I guess this is all for now. I just wanted you guys to know what has been going on and that you haven't missed anything really. :)

Comments (4)

  • Good that you have been resting and letting the cold run its course. Hope you feel much better soon. 

  • I guess, most of us here had cold ... I hope you recover fast!
    Happy New Year 2013 to you, my dear! Take care!

  • Happy New Year!

  • Next time atleast tell them you sick but laying low so they don't get sick then I wouldn't worry about ya so much. You have people there that can help and want to help.....let them they like to feel needed we all do ) mmkay? Mmkay! <3

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