November 21, 2012

  • Talking to Me 101.

      Talking to me 101. :)
      I'm doing something a little different today for my blog because I don't feel like talking about my day today. I'll get to that sometime soon. :)

      1. One sure way to make me not want to talk is to talk over me.
      2. Don't try to pry something out of me, if I need to say something I'll do with without help, if I don't want to say something i'm not going to so don't even try.
      3. Don't sugar coat things, and don't patronize me, it's annoying and I know when people do it, I'm not dumb.
      4. Don't be afraid to talk about anything you want to talk about. I don't care if I don't know much about the subject, I like to learn about new things. :)
      5. If you don't want to talk about something don't bring it up, or quickly change the subject. I'll get the message. Or if I do it just tell me that you don't want to talk about whatever it is.
      6. Try to keep small talk and stereotypical girl talk to a minimum... PLEASE! It's nice and all, I just get ticked off when it becomes the whole conversation. I really like structure and depth.
      7. If you don't have anything to say, don't try to talk to me, it's okay if you just say hi and just walk away. I don't like awkward moments where the other person is trying to think of something to say, if it's me i'll just cut the conversation off.
      8. Don't try to make conversation at church, that's my me time and I don't feel like talking to anyone usually. A simple hi, or how are you doing is fine. :)
      9. I never talk unless if I actually have something to say, and I never start small talk so don't expect it unless if i"m really desperate. (not likely haha). In fact I am almost never the one that starts the conversation, so don't rely on me to do that.
      10. I'm sorry if I ever come out too bold or don't have enough tact, it's okay to tell me if I say things too strong, I am knowingly a very bold and outspoken person.
      11. I like the truth, even if it hurts, no sugar coating please, it only makes me irritated.
      12. Polotics wil not be tollerated in a one on one conversation with me, never going to happen, so don't try and if you do keep it short.
      13. I don't mind talking about religion, just don't bash mine, because I won't bash yours, I do like to learn about other religions, but keep in mind that I really like my faith and nothing you say will convert me to yours. People have tried, don't waste your time.
      14. If I say I need alone time I really mean it and trying to talk to me is going to be futile because my alone time is very important to me. Unless if you REALLY need me, then I'll try. :)
      15. Don't be afraid to invite me to parties and stuff like that, I like them every once in a while, just not all the time. I only have so much energy. :)
      16. Don't ask me to hang out when you first start talking to me, I require some time before I feel comfortable with such things. I am a bit weary of getting close to people, so don't go to fast or you will scare me away
      17. NEVER confess to me right off the bat, talk to me and take it slow, if you go to fast I will retract and I won't want to be near you for a while. I get easily scared off by such things.
      18. Don't be afraid to be silly, or weird around me, I like energetic and unique people. :)
      19. Keep in mind that I am an introvert. Introverts have nothing to do with shyness, I am not shy, I just simply don't like to talk a lot. I recommend reading this if you don't understand. :)

      and this

      20. If I forgot anything or if you have something to say to me don't hesitate to leave a comment.

      Extra just for xanga:
      21. I usually do not reply or even look at my private messages. It's just not something I think about. :)